Cottonelle Clean Crew Review

Cottonelle Toilet paper and flushing wipes might seem like a boring thing to review, but to a pregnant mother of a toddler and preschooler it is important. In the past 9 months, the bathroom has come to be one of my main living spaces. If you have ever been pregnant or been a mom of a potty trained preschooler,you know exactly why these products were the best things for me to sample.

I was extremely excited to tell my son about the awesome flushable wipes I received. As soon as he saw the product above the toilet, he asked what that box was. I told him that they were “Wipes for big boys”! He was so excited that I had finally gotten something he could try. I would say for a preschooler he has to be Cottonelle’s biggest and youngest fan. This product made it so easy for my son to stay fresh and clean after doing his duty on the toilet. The wipes are very durable and flushable which makes it #toddlerapproved and #momapproved. I also loved that they offered a small portable pack for me to put in my purse. This helped prevent messy accidents on the go.

The Clean Care toilet paper they sent had to be my favorite. No one like to wipe their butt with paper thin, sandpaper like toilet paper. I would have to say when I think of toilet paper. I want it to be fluffy, durable, and soft. Cottonelle Clean care toilet paper was all that and more. I loved how soft it was and the fact that is was durable. I would recommend both of these products to any moms or anyone that likes feeling fresh and clean after using the bathroom.




Influenster Dr. Scholls For Her Review

Influenster Dr. Scholls For Her Review

Dr. Scholl’s For Her , I got to try your product through influenster for free. I would like to say this is one of the best products that I have ever used. I like wearing heels on the go at work and at social events, but I hate the feeling of sore feet after a long day of wearing heels. The new High Heel inserts helped me with the longevity of wearing heels at parties and at work.

Holiday VoxBox – NYC New York Color Liquid Lipshine Review

I have been trying to make some time to do some reviews of items that I received from the Holiday VoxBox. All of the products that I received are awesome, but my favorite product is the lip gloss. The lip gloss is made from NYC New York and is technically a lip shine. I have used this product every day since I have received it. I wish that I had pros and cons that I could share with my readers, but thus far I have only pros. The best part of this product is that you can wear it by itself or wear it on top of a lipstick. Overall the shine lasts for hours on end and really makes your lips pop. I attached a picture of myself using it by itself. It is a perfect lip shine for any complexion. It helps spice up any look.

If anyone is looking for a perfect solution that will not break the bank, but will do the job above and beyond, I would say NYC New York Color Liquid Lipshine is the way to go. IMG_1060 

Influenster Holiday VoxBox

Holiday VoxBox- Eboost Pink Lemonade Review

In my wonderful Holiday Vox Box that I received from Influenster, I got a free sample of Eboost Pink Lemonade. This was a blessing to me because for a mom of two kids this is a perfect thing for me to try. I feel like I need an energy boost every day, but unfortunately due to some health issues that I have I am unable to drink coffee on a regular basis or any energy drinks. The Eboost powder drinks are advertised as being natural energy. Alot of people in my generation do not know how to handle a nice clean natural energy because we are so used to having the suger filled energy from energy drinks. We think that I sugar rush actually gives us energy when in reality it gives you the climax-crash effect. You feel like you are getting energy when it is actually a sugar rush and than you crash hard. Eboost is awesome because it gives you a nice clean energy that helps you make it through the day without being exhausted. The flavors are something that is consistent to what people like in stead of having the nasty chalky vitamin taste. I really appreciated the nice vitamin boost and the natural energy that this powder gave me. The pink lemonade also had a great flavor with no weird aftertaste.Influenster Holiday VoxBox


Christmas Freebie Overload!!

I don’t know if it was just me or if other blogger/testers had the same issue. Well, it really isn’t an issue because I love being able to test and review different products. This Christmas I felt like I was overloaded with amazing products to test from BZZAGENT, Influenster, and Smiley360. The only downfall of having a newborn is that I have had zero to no time to blog or even share any of the awesome stuff I received. I am going to try and share a few posts with some pictures of all the cool products that I have received.

My favorite thing that I received this Christmas was my Holiday VoxBox. If you don’t know what a Voxbox is , I will be happy to fill you in. Influenster is a word of mouth company that sends testers cool boxes jam-packed with things to test that are called Voxbox’s. I had the pleasure of getting their Holiday one which had an immense amount of goodies in it. It came with NYC Nude Lip gloss, Quaker Oatmeal Real Melodies sample, Goody Quikstyle Brush, Kiss Nail Dress, Eboost Energy sample, and Sole Society coupon.

I am going to try my hardest to go through some of the products and provide some insight on what I like and don’t like about the product. Influenster Holiday VoxBox

Baby Max

It has been a few months since my last post. I want to apologize to my readers for not keeping up with my promise of attempting to blog as much as I can. The last three months have been full of excitement, failure, and stress. I feel like in the past couple months I have become a new person.

I am now the mother of two amazing little boys. I had the privilege of being induced on October 29th, 2012 during Superstorm Sandy. A lot of people might think that having a baby during a storm is stressful. Well it is!! I was thrilled to welcome my son , Maximus, into this world on October 30, 2012 at 4:00am.  The joy of being a mother to not just one little boy , but two is the best feeling. Maximus is such a happy content joy to have around. My oldest son, Titus, is finally getting used to having a baby around. He is such a great big brother. It was a struggle at first for him to understand who this little boy was that was taking all of the attention off him, but now he is my biggest helper and his little brothers biggest fan.

Big Brother Titus taking care of his Little Brother Maximus

Big Brother Titus taking care of his Little Brother Maximus

You Would Think

You would think….. that since I have been on bed rest that I would have plenty of time to update to my blog.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, bed rest is extremely tough with a toddler. I am glad that I don’t have to worry about over working myself at work, but I also am thrilled to have some time in between the naps that sometimes don’t exist to prepare for the baby. It’s hard to believe that the last time I was pregnant I was so organized and had everything prepared months ahead. This pregnancy I have been such a procrastinator. If I wasn’t put on bed rest, I would be so behind


You would think that I would be more prepared the second time around…..

In reference to being prepared, It is crazy to think how much of an uproar Hurricane Sandy has brought to the East Coast. It’s crazy how the weather can create pure panic and shock. I attempted to do some last-minute shopping, but for the baby, not the storm. I feel like if you live in New England you should always be prepared for the unexpected. We get storms all the time; It doesn’t matter if it is winter or summer. I was shocked with how many people had carts full of food, water, and other random necessities. I feel like the retail giants love when people overreact because that is when they make the most money. The amount of money that has been spent this past weekend is probably absurd.

The news is amping this storm up to be an outrageous amounts of winds and rain. The difference between this years supposed storm and last years storm was last year we had leaves on the trees still. We might be in luck since most of the leaves have fallen or are at least in the process of falling. The heaviness from the leaves made last years storm worst than it was because the trees had to handles, leaves, snow, and sleet. The only thing that we , New Englanders, can do is just hope that all the hype is for a small storm that we have already been through a million times.


You would think that I would be wishing to have the baby during this storm……
Many people have insinuated that it would be so cool to have a baby during a storm. Personally, I am ready for the baby to be here, but I wouldn’t mind if it was a nice day. More babies come during storms because of the panic and anxiety that mothers put themselves through. I would appreciate it if my fiance didn’t have to work and could just spend one day with me before the baby comes, but the chances of work being canceled are slim to none. In the end, I am praying and hoping that the baby is here by the end of this week. I would love to meet my new bundle of joy.

Monthly Sample Boxes..

I just came across this awesome blog. I am posting from my Iphone at the moment so cannot link yet to the other mommy blog. In the blog she was going over a couple different websites that offer sample boxes each month for a subscription cost. I think the idea is great for makeup/beauty fanatics such as myself to try out a sample of high end products before purchasing the real deal. Seems like something that would interest many moms that are on a budget by trying new products.

Community Voices for Health

By: Kristen Clifford

The other night at our Mommy Blogger dinner, someone asked me about the bright blue nail polish I was wearing.

I explained that I had gotten it in my monthly BirchBox, which led to lots of questions about the service. I figured I would share this info on the blog, in case there were others out there who did not know about this amazing service!

For only $10 a month, you get hand-picked beauty and lifestyle samples delivered to your door. I love playing around with beauty supplies, but I hate spending money without knowing whether or not I’ll like the product. But BirchBox solves that problem! You get to test the latest products without having to pay the full price. I NEVER splurge on beauty supplies, so I figure that if I spend only $10 a month and get to sample a bunch of high-end beauty…

View original post 245 more words

A Toddler Mom’s Worst Nightmare—Bed Rest

The worst thing that could come out of any doctors mouth is “BED REST”. Unfortunately, In my case I was told on Friday that I am on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy.I only have 4 more weeks left, but I don’t think any pregnant mother enjoys hearing those words especially when you have a toddler to raise and a house to maintain.
I am shocked that I was not  placed on bed rest sooner, but I was finally getting into the hang of being miserable working 40 hours a week on top of taking care of my 3-year-old , keeping up after my fiance, and maintaining the house. For a first time mom it might be a little bit easier for them to stay at home and actually get some rest, but for a mother of a 3-year-old it is a near impossible feat. This is something that is  impossible to try to explain to a doctor. I feel like sometimes I might get more rest by going to work than being home with the little man. Don’t get me wrong, I love my son more than the world itself, but it is tough to try to keep a child entertained at home when you are on bed rest. I think by the time the baby comes both my son and I will have driven each other crazy.
I wasn’t planning on placing my son in daycare of preschool until the beginning of next year, but at this point I feel like maybe it is better if I just enroll him now while I am on bed rest so that way I can actually rest. I have tried planning some easy activities that he can do while I rest, but it is tough to keep a lone 3-year-old entertained. I am wondering if there are other mothers out there that have come across similar issues. I was told that bed rest is patient testing especially with my type of lifestyle. I am the type of person that is constantly on the go –either shopping, working, or just doing chores around the house. Not being able to do any of these things on my own is what is going to kill me.
I am hoping that I can at least try to get some rest and that when the baby comes that myself and the baby are healthy due to the doctors decision.


The good news is that I will have more time to try to enhance my blog. At this point, I am just doing this for fun. I enjoy writing reviews and just writing about what I feel, but I wouldn’t mind if blog turned into something bigger. While I am on bed rest, I am going to attempt to take a little bit of time out of my day to update my blog daily.

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Addiction to Pinterest

The newest trend in the mommy world is definitely This website is beyond addicting and will occupy all of your time if you let it. So many mothers/women have been consumed by this website. I find my nights have been consumed with re-pinning items or drooling over the amazing recipes that I find here.

Any women that has been on this website gets consumed or overwhelmed with the amount of ideas and DIY projects that it has. I find that I have saved a lot of time, by following some of the pins that I have found on here. I not only have saved time, but money because there are pins that are full of information and tips/tricks.

Also, since I don’t necessarily have amazing cooking skills. I appreciate seeing all the shared recipes. I find it handy to be able to see what works best for those who struggle like me with making a yummy dinner, but still having enough time to manage everything else in the house.


Pinterest is definitely something that I would recommend to anyone.